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We carefully screen prospective Siberian kitten buyers, so we can ensure our kittens go to wonderful, caring homes. To help you prepare for the arrival of your Siberian kitten, we'll supply a guide that contains information about basic care, food, health, toys, and training. Please think carefully and discuss your decision with your family before getting a kitten. Pets are a lifetime commitment and the decision should not be taken lightly.

Kitten Application

Have you ever owned a kitten/cat before?
Do You Have Any Other Pets?
Are they Spayed, Neutered?
If yes, are they current on vaccines?
Are there any pet doors leading outdoors?
Is there anyone in the household allergic to cats?
Does Anyone In Your Household Have Asthma?
What are your living arrangements?
If you rent, are there any pet restrictions?
Have you ever given up a pet?
What kind of kitten are you looking for?
Where do you plan on keeping your kitten?

Thank you for submitting your kitten application.

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